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Who We Treat

Achieve Results Even When Life Won’t Slow Down 

Harp, Age 38

Harp is a mother of two rambunctious boys aged seven and ten. They are involved in every sport possible, so most of Harp’s time is spent running from activity to activity with her husband. But that’s not all; Harp is also a very successful business owner and entrepreneur. She and her cousin co-founded one of the largest South Asian bridal make-up academies in Canada, with studios all over the country and a line of cosmetics. Starting in 2008 as a side hustle, Harp’s business rapidly took off and shortly after, she became a full-time mom, and her life has been go-go-go ever since. 


Harp juggles her work and mom life during the week and then can find herself working long 12-hour days on the weekends with her bridal clients, often flying worldwide for bookings. This working mom’s life has many perks, but it usually means she has little time for exercise and herself.

In the past, Harp had always got away with eating on an erratic schedule and never having a strict workout schedule, but about three years after having her kids, she noticed her body changing. While expected as you get older, she found stubborn fat underneath her armpits, in the upper abdominal region, and the classic ‘love handles’ on her flanks that she couldn’t shake. Her metabolism wasn’t how it used to be, and fat wouldn’t burn off as quickly as it once did.

harp wave sm

Never Enough Time 

Uncomfortable wearing certain clothes, Harp felt her only option was working out and dieting. She tried hard to fit a regular workout schedule into her busy life and stick to a healthy diet, but these never worked as time always got away. The thought about getting liposuction crossed her mind; however, the downtime required after an invasive treatment like that made it entirely out of the question. Harp’s goal wasn’t to make her fat pockets disappear altogether but to instead reduce their appearance, making her feel more comfortable and confident in the clothing she loved to wear, like spaghetti straps and dresses. 


Harp, already a patient at Wave Skin Care, was in for her Botox and Dermal Fillers maintenance appointment with Dr. Sanghe when she mentioned the fatty areas that were bothering her; this is when she learnt about CoolSculpting. Harp didn’t know much about the treatment, but she had heard from friends that it was painful, which discouraged Harp from exploring it further. She brought these concerns to Dr. Sanghe, who clearly explained the CoolSculpting process, how it works, what to expect during and after, and what type of results Harp could expect. The procedure can create some discomfort while the CoolSculpting applicators cool the skin down or immediately after the applicators are removed while the skin is warming up. However, the CoolSculpting system technology is incredibly advanced with built-in safety measures, that it should never cause you any pain. 

Not What, But Why

Years ago, Harp was introduced to Wave Skin Care when working on a segment with the clinic, and her business was employed to do the models’ hair and make-up. She was so impressed with the professionalism, the knowledge and the education that the doctors had there. “Normally, when you go into a clinic, they tell you what you need to do, but at Wave, they educate you as to why they are suggesting these procedures.”

Harp, the ideal candidate for the procedure, is a long-time patient at Wave; she trusted Dr. Sanghe and his recommendations. She wholeheartedly believes that Dr. Sanghe would not recommend anything she doesn’t need, “He’s one of those Doctors that you trust. He never over prescribes or over-treats. I respect him, so when he said I am a great candidate for CoolSculpting, and it’s going to work, I believed him.”


Confident that the treatment wouldn’t be painful, Harp still felt mom guilt; she had doubts about spending the money on herself and questioned whether she should be spending it on the kids instead. However, realizing she had spent many years working as a mom and building up her successful business, she thought she deserved to treat herself. CoolSculpting was a way she could achieve her goals without sacrificing her time, and she could get right back into being a mom and businesswoman.

Following A Plan

He’s one of those Doctors that you trust. He never over prescribes or over-treats. I respect him, so when he said I am a great candidate for CoolSculpting, and it’s going to work, I believed him.”

Harp, the ideal candidate for the procedure, is a long-time patient at Wave; she trusted Dr. Sanghe and his recommendations. She wholeheartedly believes that Dr. Sanghe would not recommend anything she doesn’t need.

A Time To Catch Up

The morning of the treatment was like any other day as there wasn’t much preparation. The treatment took about three hours, as Harp underwent four treatment sessions, each targeting a specific fat pad that needed to be addressed. As the CoolSculpting applicator began chilling her skin, Harp described the feeling on her skin as “a little tingly and cold but not painful in any way”; she found herself enjoying the peacefulness and managed to catch up on her Netflix shows. Dr. Sanghe had told her that she wouldn’t see any noticeable changes immediately after the procedure, as it would take her body a few months to remove the affected fat cells. In terms of downtime, there wasn’t any. She was ecstatic that afterwards, she went about her day, straight into three meetings and then home to the kids. 

Within six weeks, Harp noticed a considerable difference. The results were what she envisioned, and today she is still thrilled she had the treatment. For Harp, achieving her goals with no downtime or disruptions to her busy schedule has freed her to wear clothes confidently and feel comfortable without sacrificing her mom or business life. She will continue to exercise and eat as healthy as possible to keep the fat off and may go back for some maintenance sessions. Still, now she has the head start she needs and doesn’t need to take significant time and effort away from her family and business to get rid of the stubborn fat. 

Harp agrees with Dr. Sanghe that she was the perfect candidate for the procedure and recommends those in a similar situation to her to speak to Wave Skin Care to see if it’s right for them. 


“If you’re looking to reduce inches in stubborn areas, go ahead and do it because you will see a difference in those specific areas that you’ve targeted. But have realistic expectations; it’s not going to make a considerable reduction if you want to lose 10 inches from around your belly or if you have 20 to 30 pounds to lose. You will not see a difference. If you have an active lifestyle, are quite content with the way you look, but have stubborn pockets of fat that you want to reduce. This is for you”. 

More About CoolSculpting

To learn more about CoolSculpting, read our Blog Post:
Getting The Body Shape You Want With CoolSculpting

Have more questions? Check out some
Frequently Asked Questions we get on CoolSculpting.

Reach Out to Us!

To Book a Consultation for CoolSculpting, please contact Wave Skin Care:

Harp's Treatment locations included:

  • Flanks
  • Abdomen
  • Back Bra Fat