Get Natural Results
Treatment: JUVÉDERM®
Your face is composed of a number of different layers of tissues that all contribute in different ways to what you see when you look in the mirror.
The deepest layer that provides the most structure to your face is your skull and mandible (jaw bone). While we often think of bone as being a solid structure that doesn’t change, it’s actually a living tissue that transforms over time. Usually, at an incredibly slow rate, which is why we often don’t even notice it has changed. But this ability to change is why a bone that breaks is able to heal.
On top of the bone, we will either have muscle or deep layer fat pads. Which one is present depends on where on the face you are. If we look at the side of our face (like in a profile photo), we have two strong muscles attached to the skull and mandible that enable us to move our mandible and perform activities like chewing. As we move to the front of the face (like in a portrait photo), we have a mix of either fat pads or muscles that help us with communication (verbal or body language/facial expression).

Above the muscle and deep layer fat pads, we have a thinner layer of fat pads called the subcutaneous layer, that helps smooth and soften over all the deeper layers. The subcutaneous layer of fat lies directly under our skin.
Skin, our epidermis, in itself, has very little structure. It is all the layers beneath the skin that help create our unique looking face. While skin can provide colour and texture to our face, the shape of our face is predominantly dictated by the layers beneath the skin.
Throughout our life, the layers under our skin are constantly changing. When we are young and growing, these changes often make us appear youthful, and provide the classical look of what is considered “attractive”. This is because all of the layers beneath the skin are helping to create a smooth, tight structure over which the skin resides nicely. We often refer to this as the “upside down triangle look”, where the cheeks and chin create the upside down triangle shape.
However, at some point in our life, for many people it starts in their 20’s, the structures underneath the skin start to change in a way that makes the facial appearance they see in the mirror transform in ways they do not like.
The changes in two of the facial layers generally contribute the most to the transformation of our facial appearance: changes in the shape of our skull and mandible; and changes in the fat pads. In many people, parts of the skull around and under the eyes can change significantly. Under the eyes, many people will experience essentially an “inversion” of the bone that supports the cheeks on the front part of our face. This is often what contributes to a “flattening” of our cheeks. As a result of this, many people will start to feel their face looks saggy, tired, and/or sad.
The fat pads can also change, and as a result, we can look more gaunt/angry looking if we lose volume in the fat pads (something people who exercise a lot often experience). The fat pads can increase in volume, contributing to the appearance of heaviness, sagginess, and/or sadness. And the fat pads can change shape as a result of transformations that are happening elsewhere on the face, which often is the major reason people start to see jowls.
When you look in the mirror, you may not realize that all of this is going on beneath your skin. All you really see are the lines, wrinkles, jowls, double chin, etc. But these are generally a result of something else going on below the skin.
Facial fillers, like JUVÉDERM®, were created so they could be placed in specific locations and layers of the face in order to counteract some of the changes that happen as we age.

When the right filler is placed in the correct area of the face, with the proper volume of product, patients can have incredible natural looking results. However, if the wrong volume, or incorrect product is placed in an area of the face, the results might be unnoticeable, or worse, look unnatural.
Natural-Looking Results
When you receive a JUVÉDERM® treatment by a healthcare professional who has deep knowledge of the tissue layers of the face, and understands what changes in those layers are contributing to the concerns you are seeing on your face when you look in the mirror, the healthcare professional can ensure the correct product, and volume of product, are placed in the proper location and layer of the face, helping to counteract some of the changes that are taking place. When done well, what the patient sees in the mirror is skin that looks as though it’s been smoothed out, and a facial shape that can look more like the age they feel like inside. Ultimately, when done well, the patient will see amazing natural looking results.
Specifically Designed For You
Everyone’s face and skin are different. What concerns one person may not bother someone else. Two people can look at the same image and see completely different things. For this reason, the consultant will want to see what you see. Therefore, a comprehensive consultation is the first step, in order for the healthcare provider to understand what is most important to you. This way, they can use their knowledge to help build an appropriate treatment plan that will help resolve the concerns you are seeing.
With consultant’s knowledge, and the healthcare professional’s skills, together, they can formulate a customized treatment plan that is unique to you and that will provide you with incredible, natural-looking results.